decisions, decisions.

Posted on Friday, 29 June 2018

Which Cardio Methods Melt Fat The Fastest?

What are the benefits and which methods are best when it comes to aerobic training?

Losing stubborn body fat may require at least some aerobic activity. The range of aerobic methods available and the different ways in which to engage in cardio are many – enough to cause confusion for those wanting to shed excess weight to reveal their hard-won muscles.

Aerobic activity by its very nature requires fat to be used as a primary fuel source, with carbohydrates and protein being used to a smaller extent. Therefore, in order to lose fat, some degree of aerobic work will need to be done.

Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise

All forms of aerobic training will provide many similar benefits, while high intensity and low intensity methods (although both within the so-called fat burning aerobic zone) have benefits specific to their respective functions.

Aerobic exercise (regardless of intensity) will help to:

  • Strengthen the muscles involved in respiration, to assist lung function.
  • Increase the total number of red blood cells in the body, to enable greater oxygen facilitation throughout the body.
  • Strengthen the heart muscle, which will improve resting heart and pumping efficiency.
  • Reduce stress, tension, and increase mental well-being.
  • Increase circulation throughout all areas of the body.
  • Increase self-esteem.

Aerobic Training Methods & Their Advantages

The keys to choosing a good aerobic activity include finding one that is enjoyable and effective to ensure it is used consistently to good effect.

  1. Walking (Burns 300-400 Calories Per Hour)

Once thought of as a perfect aerobic exercise for fat burning and overall health, walking is now considered one of the least effective of the aerobic methods.

Although great for beginners or those with injury or who are obese, walking probably is not the best form of exercise for losing weight and achieving fitness, as it is of a much lower intensity compared to other methods.

Walking can be used for the following purposes:

  • Assisting with fat burning in the obese
  • As a low impact activity for the injured
  • As a moderate activity for recovery purposes
  • As a build up to a higher intensity method of aerobics.
  1. Running (Burns Around 600 Calories Per Hour)

A higher intensity method compared to walking, running (not sprinting, which is anaerobic) is an efficient, although high impact way to lose body fat and improve cardiorespiratory fitness.

The main benefit to running for weight loss purposes is that it is sufficiently high intensity to burn a greater number of calories, while stimulating the metabolic rate for a longer period afterward.

For fat burning purposes, the variation on running that could be considered is jogging, as this method—although higher intensity aerobic—does not cross the anaerobic threshold to burn carbohydrates as a primary fuel source. Running, as does walking, involves all of the lower body, only on a much larger scale.

Running can be used for the following purposes:

  • To train aerobically at a higher intensity and burn more fat as a result.
  • As a sport specific means to improving fitness and athletic performance.
  • As a means to increasing metabolic rate for up to 24 hours.
  • Can help to prevent osteoporosis due to its high impact nature.
  1. Cycling (Burns Around 600 Calories Per Hour)

Cycling involves the same muscles as does running, but has the added advantage of being lower impact, therefore making it ideal for virtually anyone (with the exclusion of those with certain injuries).

It can be done on either a stationary bike (the preferred option for those wanting to specifically burn body fat, as there might be fewer distractions with this method), or on the road.

Either of these approaches will suit almost anyone (regardless of cardiovascular goals) as the resistance can be changed to accommodate preferences in intensity level. Cycling is also ideal for HIIT (as will be explained later) as the resistance can be changed from lower to higher in rapid fashion.

Cycling as an aerobic activity can be useful for the following reasons:

  • As a low impact, high intensity way to strip body fat.
  • As a sport specific means to improving fitness and athletic performance.
  • As a way to help carve detail into the quads.
  1. Rowing (Burns Around 840 Calories Per Hour)

Rowing on a machine provides an excellent total body workout, in addition to being a great high intensity way to strip body fat. It could be considered the perfect exercise as it works all the main muscles of the body, is of higher intensity than walking and of lower impact than running, plus, burns more calories per hour than any other commonly used aerobic exercise (around 840 per hour).

Rowing as an aerobic activity can be useful for the following reasons:

  • Burn a higher number of calories than any of the other common aerobic methods.
  • A total body workout.
  • A low impact, high intensity way to keep fit and burn fat.
  • As a sport specific means to improving fitness and athletic performance.


To get into great shape, it is generally accepted that some aerobic training will be needed. However, the type of training and the methods used will differ from person to person, and to achieve superior results it is important to select an activity that will work to one’s best advantage (granted their current fitness levels, experience, schedule, desired goal and timeframe).


With so many options to choose from, we couldn’t fit them all into one article. Check out the full list here:


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